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Message from the General Director

We continue on the path of excellence


Dear members of our CIR Community.


Welcome to this new school year! 


I feel very proud to preside over the General Management of our beloved Isaac Rabin School, accompanying with honor a team of professionals with great human qualities and ethical values.


Isaac Rabin is a Jewish school open to all faiths, multicultural, democratic, innovative and respectful of individual differences. We currently have the IBO International Baccalaureate Certification, the Cambridge Certification, we are affiliated with the ORT network of schools and we are also founding members of the City of Knowledge. Our offering has top-of-the-line updated technology, an emphasis on the arts, teaching four languages; Spanish as a mother language adding English, French and Hebrew. We have Baccalaureates in Sciences and Letters, all favored by a warm and personalized environment.


Respectful and supportive coexistence between students, teachers and collaborators is a common practice at our school. We have more than 20 nationalities in the CIR Family, living together in great harmony while proudly preserving our Panamanian identity.


Aware of the responsibility that we have as an educational institution, we try to leave a positive mark through dynamic participation in activities such as national and international competitions, intercollegiate competitions of all kinds, academic, cultural, sports, ecological, debates and Social Service, always carrying in high our School named in honor of the great leader who fought for peace and social justice.


Having already had 18 graduations that promote successful, happy graduates and, above all, satisfied with their personal achievements, it is up to us to continue training positive leaders, individuals responsible for their own personal growth, critical of their environment and with a high sense of social justice, as Our mission is about it.


The great challenges that today's world progressively poses give us clear signals to mark and follow a route of action that involves, beyond academic excellence, providing our students with the necessary tools for life, so that they grow in values, such as citizens of the world, always contributing actively and honestly to the society they belong to.


Thanks again to the Board of Directors and parents for their trust. I also take this opportunity to invite you to follow us daily on our social networks (@colegioisaacrabin).


An affectionate greeting from your friend and servant



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