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The school transportation service is an external service to the school; however, the school intervenes as a mediator between the carriers and the parents to guarantee that the service provided meets all safety requirements.


The head of transportation is Mr. Rene Obispo, who is in charge of maintaining a fleet of school buses that provide exclusive service to the school in excellent condition, both physical and mechanical, in addition to complying with all regulations and provisions required by the law of the Republic of Panama, also ensures that the staff in charge meets the technical standards and professional competence to perform with due diligence the assigned responsibilities, likewise, ensures that the carriers are trained to handle cases of first aid and fire within the transport.


All school buses are equipped with first aid kits and insurance forms if the student requires emergency transportation to a private medical center in Panama City.


All bus fire extinguishers are checked annually by qualified personnel certified by the Panama Fire Department.


  • Parents must sign the transportation contract before using the bus. The buses are an extension of the school; therefore, the same discipline, expectations, and behavioral measures will apply.

  • Students not exclusive to that bus are only allowed on the bus if authorized by the Transportation Coordinator. The request must be made directly with the coordinator one day in advance via the online pick-up/drop-off form. If the transfer is feasible, the authorized student will be required to make a $5.00 payment.

  • Any change of residential address must be notified to the Transportation Coordinator within a minimum of 3 working days in order for the change to be recorded in the database.

  • The school may authorize XI and XII as a privilege for students to attend in their own car. In this case, it will be the guardian's responsibility to send a copy of the valid driver's license and general information about the car. If the student is unjustifiably late while using this privilege, the privilege will be revoked, and the student will have to be transported by his/her guardians for the next five days.

René Obispo
René Obispo - Transportation Chief
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-15 at 9.57.07 AM.jpeg
Transportation Team

Tel: (507) 317- 0059

© 2023 by Fundación Isaac Rabin.  All rigths reserved.

Edif. #130, Ciudad del Saber, Panamá, R.P.

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